rise - определение. Что такое rise
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Что (кто) такое rise - определение

RISE; Rise (movie); Rise (album); Rise (film); Rise (song); Rise (disambiguation); Riſe; Rise (TV series); Rise (EP)
Найдено результатов: 823
  • BigDog
  • thumb
  • In a 2018 viral promotional video, a rear part of Spot's casing falls off as it compensates to overcome interference.
  • Spot being tested alongside British [[Royal Air Force]] service members
(rises, rising, rose, risen)
Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.
If something rises, it moves upwards.
He watched the smoke rise from his cigarette...
The powdery dust rose in a cloud around him.
VERB: V from/to n, V
Rise up means the same as rise
Spray rose up from the surface of the water...
Black dense smoke rose up.
PHRASAL VERB: V P from/to n, V P
When you rise, you stand up. (FORMAL)
Luther rose slowly from the chair...
He looked at Livy and Mark, who had risen to greet him.
VERB: V from n, V
Rise up means the same as rise
The only thing I wanted was to rise up from the table and leave this house.
When you rise, you get out of bed. (FORMAL)
Tony had risen early and gone to the cottage to work.
When the sun or moon rises, it appears in the sky.
He wanted to be over the line of the ridge before the sun had risen.
? set
You can say that something rises when it appears as a large tall shape. (LITERARY)
The building rose before him, tall and stately...
VERB: V prep/adv
Rise up means the same as rise
The White Mountains rose up before me.
PHRASAL VERB: V P prep/adv
If the level of something such as the water in a river rises, it becomes higher.
The waters continue to rise as more than 1,000 people are evacuated.
? fall
If land rises, it slopes upwards.
He looked up the slope of land that rose from the house...
The ground begins to rise some 20 yards away...
? fall
VERB: V prep/adv, V
If an amount rises, it increases.
Pre-tax profits rose from ?842,000 to ?1.82m...
Tourist trips of all kinds in Britain rose by 10.5% between 1977 and 1987...
Exports in June rose 1.5% to a record $30.91 billion...
The number of business failures has risen...
The increase is needed to meet rising costs.
? fall
VERB: V from/to amount, V by amount, V amount, V, V-ing
A rise in the amount of something is an increase in it.
...the prospect of another rise in interest rates...
= increase
N-COUNT: N in n
A rise is an increase in your wages or your salary. (BRIT; in AM, use raise
He will get a pay rise of nearly ?4,000.
= increase
The rise of a movement or activity is an increase in its popularity or influence.
...the rise of racism in America.
= increase
N-SING: the N of n
If the wind rises, it becomes stronger.
The wind was still rising, approaching a force nine gale.
If a sound rises or if someone's voice rises, it becomes louder or higher.
'Bernard?' Her voice rose hysterically...
His voice rose almost to a scream.
VERB: V, V to n
When the people in a country rise, they try to defeat the government or army that is controlling them.
The National Convention has promised armed support to any people who wish to rise against armed oppression.
VERB: V against n
Rise up means the same as rise
He warned that if the government moved against him the people would rise up...
A woman called on the population to rise up against the government.
PHRASAL VERB: V P, V P against n
rising (risings)
...popular risings against tyrannical rulers.
If someone rises to a higher position or status, they become more important, successful, or powerful.
She is a strong woman who has risen to the top of a deeply sexist organisation...
VERB: V prep
Rise up means the same as rise
I started with Hoover 26 years ago in sales and rose up through the ranks.
The rise of someone is the process by which they become more important, successful, or powerful.
Haig's rise was fuelled by an all-consuming sense of patriotic duty...
? fall
N-SING: with poss
If something gives rise to an event or situation, it causes that event or situation to happen.
Low levels of choline in the body can give rise to high blood-pressure...
PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n
to rise to the bait: see bait
to rise to the challenge: see challenge
to rise to the occasion: see occasion
  • BigDog
  • thumb
  • In a 2018 viral promotional video, a rear part of Spot's casing falls off as it compensates to overcome interference.
  • Spot being tested alongside British [[Royal Air Force]] service members
I. v. n.
Ascend, mount, arise, go or move upward.
Appear, come forth, come into view.
Get up, arise.
Revive, come to life, be raised from death.
Grow, spring up.
Tower up, be heaved up.
Be advanced, be promoted, gain a position, succeed, excel.
Increase, swell, enlarge, become greater.
Adjourn, close the session.
Spring, take rise, have source or origin, proceed, originate, be produced.
Become hostile, take up arms, go to war, rebel, revolt.
Slope upward.
Happen, occur, come by chance.
II. n.
Ascent, rising.
Elevation, elevated place, rising ground.
Source, origin, spring, beginning.
Increase, advance, augmentation.
  • BigDog
  • thumb
  • In a 2018 viral promotional video, a rear part of Spot's casing falls off as it compensates to overcome interference.
  • Spot being tested alongside British [[Royal Air Force]] service members
·v In various figurative senses.
II. Rise ·v To increase in intensity;
- said of heat.
III. Rise ·v To ascend from the grave; to come to life.
IV. Rise ·noun Increase of sound; a swelling of the voice.
V. Rise ·v To have the aspect or the effect of rising.
VI. Rise ·v To Come; to offer itself.
VII. Rise ·noun The act of rising, or the state of being risen.
VIII. Rise ·v To become of higher value; to increase in price.
IX. Rise ·noun Spring; source; origin; as, the rise of a stream.
X. Rise ·v To become louder, or higher in pitch, as the voice.
XI. Rise ·v To Retire; to give up a siege.
XII. Rise ·v To increase in size, force, or value; to proceed toward a climax.
XIII. Rise ·v To come to mind; to be suggested; to Occur.
XIV. Rise ·v To tower up; to be heaved up; as, the Alps rise far above the sea.
XV. Rise ·v To appear above the horizont, as the sun, moon, stars, and the like.
XVI. Rise ·noun Appearance above the horizon; as, the rise of the sun or of a planet.
XVII. Rise ·v To leave one's bed; to Arise; as, to rise early.
XVIII. Rise ·v To slope upward; as, a path, a line, or surface rises in this direction.
XIX. Rise ·noun The spring of a fish to seize food (as a fly) near the surface of the water.
XX. Rise ·v To increase in power or fury;
- said of wind or a storm, and hence, of passion.
XXI. Rise ·noun Land which is somewhat higher than the rest; as, the house stood on a rise of land.
XXII. Rise ·v To ascend on a musical scale; to take a higher pith; as, to rise a tone or semitone.
XXIII. Rise ·v To ascend or float in a fluid, as gases or vapors in air, cork in water, and the like.
XXIV. Rise ·v To become erect; to assume an upright position; as, to rise from a chair or from a fall.
XXV. Rise ·v To move upward under the influence of a projecting force; as, a bullet rises in the air.
XXVI. Rise ·v To become larger; to Swell;
- said of a boil, tumor, and the like.
XXVII. Rise ·noun Increase; advance; augmentation, as of price, value, rank, property, fame, and the like.
XXVIII. Rise ·noun Elevation or ascent of the voice; upward change of key; as, a rise of a tone or semitone.
XXIX. Rise ·v To swell or puff up in the process of fermentation; to become light, as dough, and the like.
XXX. Rise ·v To grow upward; to attain a certain height; as, this elm rises to the height of seventy feet.
XXXI. Rise ·v To become excited, opposed, or hostile; to go to war; to take up arms; to Rebel.
XXXII. Rise ·v To increase in amount; to Enlarge; as, his expenses rose beyond his expectations.
XXXIII. Rise ·v To become perceptible to other senses than sight; as, a noise rose on the air; odor rises from the flower.
XXXIV. Rise ·add. ·vi To go up; to Ascend; to Climb; as, to rise a hill.
XXXV. Rise ·v To be lifted, or to admit of being lifted, from the imposing stone without dropping any of the type;
- said of a form.
XXXVI. Rise ·v To terminate an official sitting; to Adjourn; as, the committee rose after agreeing to the report.
XXXVII. Rise ·v To attain to a better social position; to be promoted; to Excel; to Succeed.
XXXVIII. Rise ·v To have a beginning; to Proceed; to Originate; as, rivers rise in lakes or springs.
XXXIX. Rise ·v To reach a higher level by increase of quantity or bulk; to Swell; as, a river rises in its bed; the mercury rises in the thermometer.
XL. Rise ·noun The distance through which anything rises; as, the rise of the thermometer was ten degrees; the rise of the river was six feet; the rise of an arch or of a step.
XLI. Rise ·v To become apparent; to emerge into sight; to come forth; to Appear; as, an eruption rises on the skin; the land rises to view to one sailing toward the shore.
XLII. Rise ·add. ·vi To cause to rise; as, to rise a fish, or cause it to come to the surface of the water; to rise a ship, or bring it above the horizon by approaching it; to Raise.
XLIII. Rise ·v To become more and more dignified or forcible; to increase in interest or power;
- said of style, thought, or discourse; as, to rise in force of expression; to rise in eloquence; a story rises in interest.
XLIV. Rise ·v To move from a lower position to a higher; to Ascend; to mount up. Specifically:
- (a) To go upward by walking, climbing, flying, or any other voluntary motion; as, a bird rises in the air; a fish rises to the bait.
  • BigDog
  • thumb
  • In a 2018 viral promotional video, a rear part of Spot's casing falls off as it compensates to overcome interference.
  • Spot being tested alongside British [[Royal Air Force]] service members
1) to give rise to
angry reaction
2) to get a rise out of smb.
pay increase
3) an across-the-board rise
4) a rise in (wages) (AE has raise)
5) a sharp rise
6) a rise in (a rise in prices)
7) on the rise (prices are on the rise)
8) a meteoric rise
1) (D; intr.) ('to revolt') to rise against (to rise against tyranny)
2) (D; intr.) ('to ascend') to rise from (smoke rose from the chimney)
3) (d; intr.) ('to be resurrected') to rise from (to rise from the dead; to rise from the ashes)
4) (d; intr.) ('to ascend') to rise to (to rise to the surface; to rise to one's feet)
5) (d; intr.) ('to be equal') to rise to (to rise to the challenge; can you rise to the occasion?)
  • BigDog
  • thumb
  • In a 2018 viral promotional video, a rear part of Spot's casing falls off as it compensates to overcome interference.
  • Spot being tested alongside British [[Royal Air Force]] service members
¦ verb (past rose; past participle risen)
1. come or go up.
reach a higher social or professional position.
(rise above) succeed in not being constrained by.
2. get up from lying, sitting, or kneeling.
chiefly Brit. (of a meeting or a session of a court) adjourn.
3. (of land) incline upwards.
(of a structure or natural feature) be much taller than the surrounding landscape.
4. (of the sun, moon, or stars) appear above the horizon.
5. increase in number, size, intensity, or quality.
6. (rise to) respond well to (a challenging situation).
7. (often rise up) cease to be submissive or peaceful.
8. (of a river) have its source: the Euphrates rises in Turkey.
9. be restored to life.
¦ noun
1. an act of rising.
2. an upward slope or hill.
3. an increase in number, size, etc.
Brit. an increase in salary or wages.
4. the vertical height of a step, arch, or incline.
another term for riser (in sense 2).
5. the source of a river.
get (or take) a rise out of informal provoke an angry or irritated response from.
on the rise
1. increasing.
2. becoming more successful.
rise and shine informal wake up and get out of bed promptly.
OE risan 'make an attack, get out of bed', of Gmc origin.
Rise (non-governmental organization)         
Rise foundation
Rise, Inc. is an American non-governmental civil rights organization working with multiple state legislatures and the U.
Rise (perfume)         
Rise (also known as Beyoncé Rise) is a perfume endorsed by Beyoncé and distributed through division Coty Beauty of manufacturer Coty, Inc. She collaborated with perfumer Loc Dong from the company International Flavors & Fragrances (IFF) for creating the scent.
Rise (instrumental)         
Rise (Herb Alpert song)
"Rise" is an instrumental written by Andy Armer and Randy 'Badazz' Alpert, first recorded in 1979 by trumpeter Herb Alpert. Released as a single from Alpert's solo album Rise, the song reached #1 on the Billboard charts.
RISE (professional wrestling)         
RISE (stable)
RISE (Real International Super Elite) was a professional wrestling stable that competed in New Japan Pro-Wrestling (NJPW) that was active from 2007 until 2010. The group was founded and led by Shinsuke Nakamura.
Rise (Speed album)         
Rise (SPEED album)
Rise is the second studio album by Japanese band Speed. The album was released on 29 April 1998 and contains the singles "Wake Me Up!



Rise or RISE may refer to: